Curious to know what patients say about concierge healthcare? We’ve gathered up quotes from our own patients’ concierge medicine reviews on Google and Yelp to provide a clearer picture of how Dedication Health patients feel about the concierge healthcare services offered.
My Doctor Listens to Me
“They value your time, fully listen to your symptoms or concerns and they go above and beyond to make sure your needs are taken care of.” -Brooke M.
Patients commonly remark about how refreshing it is to feel unrushed and listened to during visits. The traditional primary care model only allows about eight minutes of time with a physician, so it’s a rush to get everything out as quickly as possible in order to have all concerns addressed. Dedication Health sees fewer patients and only schedules one patient at a time. Because of this, you have the doctor’s full attention when you visit.
My Doctor Knows Me, Not Just My Conditions
“It’s always a very positive experience from the front door to the exam room. Phone calls, text messages, etc always returned. No wait for Appointments, usually the next day. I have been with Dr.Stern for 20 years, one of the best. You never feel rushed always have time to listen and get to know your personality not just your illness.” -Mary Lou J.
One wonderful side-effect of having longer visits and fewer patients is that doctors truly get to know those they care for on a personal level. Traditional practices see thousands of patents. Concierge healthcare practices see only a few hundred.
There’s No Wait to See My Doctor
“Excellent practice. Expert doctors, full service facilities and no long waits.” -Steve W.
A recurring theme in concierge healthcare reviews is how easy it is to get in for an appointment. Urgent issues are always seen to right away, whereas less pressing matters can be taken care of in a matter of days. Traditional practices sometimes make their patients wait months to be seen.
I Can Have More Done In-Office
“They always respond quickly to questions and issues; they have in-office equipment for many routine tests (so you don’t have to go to a hospital or outside lab).” -Nancy M.
Dedication Health prides itself on having a fully-equipped state-of-the-art facility. Most lab work, diagnostic testing, and even some specialist care is provided in one location, so care is effortlessly coordinated, and patients have less stress.
I Feel Well Cared for and Enjoy the Perks
“Exceptional experiences: A. I called Dr.Croghan on a Saturday night and he answered while on vacation in Florida!!! B. Called the office and did not know how I would get there for an appointment ,m –Robert, who is uncanny with his curb service, offered to pick me up at home!!!!” -Ed S.
Every concierge medical practice will provide unique perks to make people feel like a priority and ensure they have access to top-notch care anytime they need it.
Add To Our Concierge Medicine Reviews
If you’re already a patient at Dedication Health, you can add to our concierge medicine reviews by popping over to our Google and Yelp pages and leave a testimonial of your own. If you’re not a member yet, our practice manager Christine is glad to guide you through the process, so you can see how different the concierge healthcare model is for yourself. Call 847-986-6770 or complete our online form to get in touch with her.
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