8 Telling Questions to Ask a Concierge Doctor Before You Join

Dedication Health

If you’re thinking about joining a concierge medical practice, knowing what questions to ask a concierge doctor can help ensure you choose the right practice for your needs. On this page, we’ll explore some questions you might not think to ask that can help you predict the type of care you’ll receive.


1) How Many Patients Does Your Practice Have Overall?

Most traditional practices have thousands of patents. Concierge medical practices typically come in well under 1,000, and often closer to 500. While a lower patient-count doesn’t guarantee you’ll develop a personal relationship with your physician, it is a major factor in this and in his ability to learn about you.


2) How Many Patients Do You See In a Typical Day?

It is quite common for a traditional doctor’s office to double-book and stagger appointments, so your physician isn’t “yours” even during your appointment time. Your physician could have several other patients booked in the same slot or have auxiliary staff assisting others he is ultimately responsible for. While there is no “right” patient-count, it can be reassuring to know that the office schedules lightly. For example, Dedication Health does not double-book. If you’re on the schedule, you are the only patient your concierge doctor has at the office at that time.


3) How Long Will My Visits with You Last?

Traditionally, eight minutes or fewer with a traditional doctor is common. These short, rushed appointments are unsatisfying for both doctors and their patients. Because concierge doctors keep their patient-count low, they have the opportunity to provide their patients with the time and attention they need to get all of their questions answered and address all of their concerns.


4) How Far in Advance Does Your Schedule Fill?

One of the biggest complaints patient have is that it can take months to get in to see their physician. Because concierge doctors see fewer patients overall, it takes much less time to get seen. Sometimes concierge doctors are even able to offer same-day appointments.


5) What Happens if I Need Assistance After Hours?

All physicians should have some kind of after-hours protocol, so you can get help with urgent needs. Some will give you a direct line to them, while others will have a nurse practitioner or other staff member available to assist. At Dedication Health, you have 24/7 access to your concierge doctor.


6) What is Your Office Protocol for Your Vacations/Time Away?

Everyone has to take time away from work, be it for vacations or to take care of family matters. Find out how your concierge doctor handles these things and who covers for him while he or she is away.


7) Why Did You Decide to Operate a Concierge Medical Practice?

The reasons vary for each concierge doctor, though most simply want to provide a higher standard of care than possible under the traditional model.


8) What Happens if I Need Extra Care or to See a Specialist?


Dedication Health happens to offer more services and more specialist access within our office, but not every practice is this way. Find out how your needs will be met if you need extra care.


Do You Have More Questions to Ask a Concierge Doctor?

If you have more questions to ask a concierge doctor or are ready to sign up, Dedication Health is glad to help. Call 847-986-6770 and speak with our practice manager Christine.